Quotes From "I Now Pronounce You Single & Happy" By Sanjo Jendayi

A woman’s heart is her prized possession and if she shares it with you, consider yourself blessed. It is vital to her very being; it has the capability to pump life-giving love into every living cell of your body. It can make a man believe he can fly. It can be like water to a man dying of thirst. It has the ability to keep both of you breathing when one’s breath is taken away by life’s ups and downs. In order for it to achieve these awe inspiring feats, a man must do his part to keep her heart beating for him. Because of her heart’s vital role in sustaining the relationship, if you play with her heart and it stops beating for you…it most certainly will result in the death of the relationship. In order for her heart to deliver this life-giving love to all of your cells, a love equally as strong must be pumped into every fiber of her being. That love must be capable of purifying the bad blood she has taken in throughout the day that took her breath away and bring pure love back to her heart. In this way it is a continuous cycle allowing reciprocal life-giving love to flow between the two of you sustaining the very life of your relationship. . Sanjo Jendayi
Sex has changed drastically over the years due to technology. The World Wide Web has boosted the sex market and made sex ever present. No one has to work hard anymore with sexting, Tango, Skype, and all the other ways you can initiate sex without ever even suckling on my damn nipple! Sanjo Jendayi
Most people are afraid to really take the time and do the work required to love self enough to cradle their wounded parts like a newborn baby before involving anyone else in their life. Sanjo Jendayi
I spent most of my adult life in relationships some good, some bad. It took years for me to realize that I was the common denominator in all of these relationships and I needed to love me first. Sanjo Jendayi
Telling one lie begets another lie that begets another lie and before you know it that lie has grandkids, great grandkids and keeps growing. It’s like Lay’s Potato Chips, you can’t tell just one! Sanjo Jendayi
We have been having a Ménage à trois with the lies that others told us and the lies we tell ourselves for so long that we have convinced ourselves that it is normalcy. When we begin to read, hear or even see truth our minds reject it and our minds’ eye closes to what we view as temptation; as if we would be cheating on our trio so instead we cheat ourselves out of knowledge and growth. Sanjo Jendayi
See, I believe every woman has a bitch inside of her but not everyone has control of her bitch. My inner bitch is alive and present but she doesn’t control me… I control her. Sanjo Jendayi
Somewhere along the way people became afraid to be single. To be unmarried, separate from others and lost their individuality searching for it in society’s view of relationships. Sanjo Jendayi